# Multi-Factor Authentication

Protect your account with multi-factor authentication. Each time you sign in to your Radio Bridge console account, you'll need your password and verification code.

# Enable Two-Factor Authentication

# Obtain secure token to start the 2FA setup

POST  /confirm-password-access

Example Request

curl --request POST 'https://console.radiobridge.com/api/visualization/v1/confirm-password-access' \
--header 'Organization: <organization id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
    "password": "****"

Request Parameters

Property Description
password (required) Your current account password

Example Response

422 Validation error

   "message":"Please enter your current password to continue.",
      "password":["Please enter your current password to continue."]

400 Invalid Password error

   "message":"You have entered wrong password.",
      "password":["You have entered wrong password."]

200 Successful authentication response

   "status": true,
   "message": "Confirm password success",
   "token_2fa": ""

Response Parameter Description

Property Type Description
status boolean True indicates successful response and false indicates failure response.
message string A message following the status of the API call indicating either a success or an error message.
errors array Returns the errors in the form of array
token_2fa string This token will be used in the next steps to enable 2FA. You need to send it in each request as token.

# Generate 2FA QR code

In the next step, you have to scan the QR code through an authenticator app or browser extension. Then enter the 6-digit code that will be generated by the authenticator app.

POST  /generate-qr-image

Example Request

curl --request POST 'https://console.radiobridge.com/api/visualization/v1/generate-qr-image' \
--header 'Organization: <organization id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
    "token": "****"

Request Parameters

Property Description
token (required) Use the token_2fa received from the confirm password endpoint. Refer to point 2.

Example Response

   "secret": ""
Property Type Description
qr_image string QR image in svg format that needs to be scanned through the authenticator app.
secret string Secret key that user can use in case user is not able to scan the QR code using the authenticator app.

# Verify the Authenticator code & Download recovery codes

Once user will add the 2FA code in the app, they will see the TOTP codes on their screen, They need to enter the 6-digit code from the authenticator app to enable the 2FA and download the recovery codes in the next step.

In case a user losses access to the Authenticator app due to any reason they can use these recovery codes as a second factor to recover the account. We advise to keep the recovery codes in a safe place.

POST  /verify-two-factor-authentication

Example Request

curl --request POST 'https://console.radiobridge.com/api/visualization/v1/verify-two-factor-authentication' \
--header 'Organization: <organization id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
    "token": "****",
    "auth_type": "authenticator",
    "google2fa_secret": "<Secret code received on QR code genrate api call>",
    "one_time_password": "<TOTP Shown on Authenticator app>",

Request Parameters

Property Description
token (required) Use the token_2fa received from the confirm password endpoint. Refer to point 2.
auth_type (required) Allowed values: authenticator
google2fa_secret (required) Secret received from Scan the QR
one_time_password (required) - The 6-digit number that is generated through the Google Authenticator app

Validation error responses

   "message": "Two-factor code verification failed. Please try again.",
   "errors": {
      "one_time_password": ["Two-factor code verification failed. Please try again."]
   "message": "Please enter code from the app",
   "errors": {
      "one_time_password": ["Please enter code from the app"]

200 Success response

   "status": true,
   "recovery_codes": ["abc", "cde"]
Property Type Description
status boolean True indicates successful response and false indicates error.
recovery_codes array List of security codes that will be used when user is unable to use authenticator app.

# Final step - Enable Two-factor authentication

POST  /complete-verification

Example Request

curl --request POST 'https://console.radiobridge.com/api/visualization/v1/verify-two-factor-authentication' \
--header 'Organization: <organization id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
    "token": "****",
    "auth_type": "authenticator",
    "google2fa_secret": "<Secret code received on QR code genrate api call>"

Request Parameters

Property Description
token (required) Use the token_2fa received from the confirm password endpoint. Refer to point 2.
auth_type (required) Allowed values: authenticator
google2fa_secret (required) Secret received from Scan the QR

Example Response

   "status": true,
   "message": "You have enabled two-factor authentication using authenticator app."

Property Type Description
status boolean True indicates that 2FA has been enabled for user account.
message string A message following the status of the API call indicating either a success or an error message.

# Disable the 2FA

  1. Obtain secure token using the confirm-password-access endpoint.
  2. Call the below endpoint to disable the 2FA
POST  /disable-authentication

Example Request

curl --request POST 'https://console.radiobridge.com/api/visualization/v1//disable-authentication' \
--header 'Organization: <organization id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
    "token": "****",
    "auth_type": "authenticator"

Request Parameters

Property Description
token (required) Use the token_2fa received from the confirm password endpoint. Refer to point 2.
auth_type (required) Allowed values: authenticator

Example Response

   "status": true,
   "message": "Two-factor authentication has been disabled."