# Gateways

Manage gateways in your account using these endpoints.

# List gateways

List all gateways registered on the logged user account.

GET  /gateways?version=lite&page={page}

Example request

$ curl --request GET 'https://console.radiobridge.com/api/visualization/v1/gateways?version=lite&page=1' \
--header 'organization: <organization id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

Example response

    "data": [
            "id": 5,
            "name": "multitech",
            "gateway_bridge": "multitech",
            "gateway_ip": null,
            "gateway_eui": null,
            "region": null,
            "bridge": "Multitech (For lora devices)",
            "first_seen": null,
            "last_seen": null,
            "uplinks": null,
            "downlinks": null,
            "created_at": "Oct 28, 2022 03:20 PM"
    "more": false
Parameter Type Description
id integer Unique ID assigned to the gateway
name string Name of the Gateway
gateway_bridge integer Network key used to register the gateway, e.g. multitech, senet, aws_iot_core etc
gateway_ip string Gateway IP to access the Gateway console admin
gateway_eui string 8 Bit Hexadecimal Gateway ID/EUI
region string Gateway region. Options: US915, EU868, AU915, AS923, CN470, EU433, KR920, RU864, CN779, IN865
bridge string Indicates the network name Gateway is registered to
first_seen timestamp When empty returns '--' else returns timestamp
last_seen timestamp When empty returns '--' else returns timestamp
uplinks integer Total uplinks count reported by network
downlinks integer Total downlinks count reported by network
created_at string Gateway registration date and time
more boolean Works as pagination, if true then that means there are more records to retrieve

# Gateway Configurations

returns configuration of gateway form of different network in json format

GET  /configurations?network={network}&type=gateway
Property Description
network (Required) Allowed options: machineq, senet, thethingsnetwork, loriot, multitech, chirpstack, kerlink, helium, aws_iot_core

Example Request

curl --request GET 'https://console.radiobridge.com/api/visualization/v1/configurations?network=kerlink&type=gateway' \
--header 'Organization: <organization id>' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

Example Response

    "form": {
        "fields": {
            "gatewayName": {
                "validation": "required",
                "type": "text"
            "gatewayIp": {
                "validation": "optional",
                "type": "text"
            "description": "na",
            "gatewayEui": {
                "validation": "required",
                "type": "text"
            "loriotGateway": "na",
            "concentrator": "na",
            "bus": "na",
            "card": "na",
            "brand": "na",
            "region": {
                "validation": "required",
                "type": "select",
                "values": {
                    "EU868": "EU868",
                    "US915": "US915"
            "fleet": "na",
            "visibility": "na",
            "frequencyPlans": "na",
            "zoneId": "na",
            "model": "na",
            "ismBand": "na",
            "serialNumber": "na"
        "data": {
            "description": "",
            "models": []
Parameter Type Description
form object This object holds all the fields with their details. see more
data object list of data that is required in some fields see more

Form Fields Object

All the fields having "na" indicates that the field is not available for the selected gateway. While the field key indicates the field name to be used to pass the values for various fields to the API payload.

Parameter Description
validation This indicates if the field "required" or "optional"
type Indicates the field type
values Holds an array of values for the Select fields

Data Object

Parameter Type Description
description string Description of the Gateway
models array Models array list

# Batch Gateway Request

Create, update and delete gateways in bulk

GET  /batch-gateway-requests
Property Required Description
gatewayName Yes Name of your gateway
gatewayIp Yes Local IP address of the gateway
gatewayBridge Yes Name of bridge gateway
description No Description for gateway
gatewayEui Yes 16 digit hexadecimal value
loriotGateway No Id of your gateway
appRegion Yes Allowed options: US915,EU868,AU915,AS923,CN470,EU433,KR920,RU864,CN779,IN865
action Yes Create - create the gateway
gatewayId Yes Id of gateway that is to be updated
action Yes Update - update the device
gatewayId Yes Id of gateway that is to be updated
action Yes Delete - delete the device

Example Request

curl --request POST 'https://console.radiobridge.com/api/visualization/v1/batch-gateway-requests' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Organization: <organization id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "gateways": [ 
            "gatewayName": "test gateway", 
            "gatewayIp": "", 
            "gatewayBridge": "multitech", 
            "description": "<description>",
            "gatewayEui": "1234567890ABC567",
            "loriotGateway": "1",
            "appRegion": "EU868",
            "action": "create"
            "gatewayId": 9,
            "gatewayName": "Updated Gateway", 
            "action": "update"
            "gatewayId": 9,
            "action": "delete"

Example Response

    "data": [
            "status": true,
            "message": "Gateway has been created successfully.",
            "gatewayEui": "1234567890ABC567",
            "gatewayId": 6,
            "action": "create"
            "status": true,
            "message": "Gateway updated successfully.",
            "gatewayId": 5,
            "action": "update"
            "status": true,
            "message": "Gateway has been deleted.",
            "gatewayId": 5,
            "action": "delete"
Parameter Type Description
status boolean "true" to indicate success and "false" to indicate failure
message string Human readable message for the last action
gatewayId integer Holds the Integer Gateway ID of the Gateway the action was performed on
action boolean Action performed on the Gateway

Example Error

    "data": [
            "status": false,
            "message": "Gateway registration failed due to the validation errors.",
            "errors": [
                "The gateway name field is required.",
                "The mac address field is required.",
                "The app region field is required."
            "gatewayEui": null,
            "gatewayId": null,
            "action": "create"
            "status": false,
            "message": "Gateway not found!",
            "gatewayId": 9,
            "action": "update"
            "status": false,
            "message": "Gateway not found!",
            "gatewayId": 9,
            "action": "delete"
Parameter Type Description
status boolean "true" to indicate success and "false" to indicate failure
message string Human readable message for the last action